On 1/9/19, JonY  wrote:
> On 1/8/19 9:26 PM, Lee wrote:
>> http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/locale.h.html
>> has a note for LC_MESSAGES:
>>   The functionality described is an extension to the ISO C standard.
>>   Application developers may make use of an extension as it is
>>   supported on all POSIX.1-2017-conforming systems.
>> i686-w64-mingw32-gcc doesn't have LC_MESSAGES defined.
>> Is that an oversight, something missing in windows, or .. ??
> Windows MSVCR isn't POSIX nor ISO C compliant, so you shouldn't be
> referring to opengroups, only against MSDN.

What's a Windows MSVCR?

Since the same program compiled with cygwins' gcc has LC_MESSAGES
defined, I was guessing it was just a library thing and maybe it just
hadn't been implemented in the mingw libraries yet.. but it sounds
like it's not an oversight & Microsoft needs to support LC_MESSAGES
before i686-w64-mingw32-gcc will.  Is that about right?


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