On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 11:39 AM Corinna Vinschen
<corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com> wrote:

> Along these lines I have an OpenSSH patch in the loop which reverts
> the ssh-host-config script back to using the SYSTEM user, just as
> in the olden Windows XP days.  I'll send it upstream as soon as
> Cygwin 3.0 is officially released.  I attached the resulting
> ssh-host-config script to this mail, if you or anybody else want
> to test it.
> ...
> Super, thank you!  I guess I will role out a Cygwin test release in the
> next couple of days.

Hi Corinna,

Thank you. I wanted to point out that I have not had a chance to test
using a non-domain computer yet. I will try that scenario as well.


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