Am 15.02.2019 um 18:10 schrieb Brian Inglis:
On 2019-02-14 11:51, Marco Atzeri wrote:
Am 16.12.2018 um 15:51 schrieb Jon Turney:
A new version of Setup (2.895) has been uploaded to:
When using a FTP mirror server, setup pops up
error message
   550 failed to change directory
and logs
2019/02/14 19:43:44 mbox Internet Error: 550 Failed to change directory.
2019/02/14 19:45:53 mbox Internet Error: 550 Failed to change directory.
This does not happen with a HTTP mirror server, while instead
the log shows up:
2019/02/11 11:48:50 HTTP status 404 fetching
2019/02/11 11:48:51 HTTP status 404 fetching
I guess that in FTP case a wrong error case is reported.

For FTP, the codes mean 5.. Permanent Error, .5. File System, 550 Requested
action not taken: resource unavailable.

Also for FTP, if a CWD full/.../path fails, for compatibility the client(/user)
has to fall back to issue a series of simple commands CWD full, CWD ..., CWD
path to get to the same place, and only if one of those fails, complain about
the path.

Maybe I was not clear.
the issue is that the FTP error produces a popup window, while the HTTP error just log it.

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