On 2019-02-26 16:00, Jerry Baker via cygwin wrote:
> On 2/26/2019 2:48 PM, Doug Henderson wrote:
>> Good. This tells us something important. Right after the path listing,
>> cygcheck list "Output from C:\cygwin64\bin\id.exe". The id exe is a
>> cygwin exe which uses cygwin1.dll, cygintl-8.dll, and cygiconv-2.dll.
>> That narrow the problem. These three DLLs might have been corrupted,
>> or something is interfering with their correct operation.
>> See BLODA: See https://cygwin.com/acronyms/
>> Check the list of BLODAs to see if you are running one of those.
> It's just cygwin1.dll for sure. I can replace that with 2.x version and
> everything works fine.
> I don't recognize most of the BLODAs and not running any of them that I know 
> of.
> Are there any software packages known to interfere with 3.0 and not 2.x?

>From what you said elsewhere, it sounds like you run an Enterprise image, so
your org may have omitted components, features, or products essential to running
Cygwin, may have added components, features, products (like many poor "security"
solutions), or set policies inimical to running Cygwin.
Compatibility of any specific release of any software product with any given
enterprise image configuration requires adequate testing to ensure required
dependencies are included in the image configuration.
In addition, PCs with recent AMD and Intel CPUs, chipsets, and motherboards, and
other newer hardware, are only supported under Windows 10 Enterprise, with
support for selected enterprise vendor systems with Skylake CPUs under Windows
7, and nothing newer.

A minimal datapoint might be running "cygcheck cygcheck" under cmd, with
whatever explicit path is required to get the executable to run, and posting the
If that works, then if you could try running "cygcheck -hrsv > cygcheck.out"
under cmd, with the same path, and attach the output file as a text/plain
attachment, that would help diagnose the problem.

As Cygwin is a rolling release system, if you are not running current releases,
some CVE security issues may remain unpatched, and your system may not be
compliant to your corporate security policies (you may want to check with your
IT security and/or IT auditors).

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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