> On Mar 14 12:39, renaud.rol...@giraudbtp.com wrote:
> > I can login via password, it work and lets me in.
> > But if i tried with my keys, I get in the event viewer :
> > sshd: PID 3777: fatal: seteuid 1049076: No such device or address
> - Make sure to login with the Administrator account case-sensitive.
>   If your account is called "Administrator", then use an uppercase
>   'A' when logging in.
>   This case-sensitivity issue is a temporary workaround for a
>   potential security problem in OpenSSH.  This will be rectified
>   with OpenSSH 8.0 which allows to login case-insentive again.

With Uppercase i do have a login prompt, but (with the good password), I cant 
login (remotly or localy).
I also have Information event :
sshd: PID 3788: Login name Administrator does not match stored username 
sshd: PID 3788: Invalid user Administrator from port 60876
then three :
sshd: PID 3788: Failed password for invalid user Administrator from 
port 60876 ssh2

> - If that doesn't help, switch the user running the sshd service from
>   "cyg_server" to SYSTEM (the services GUI calls it "LocalSystem")

This worked, like a charm, thank you 😊

>   Cygwin switched the logon method and this method doesn't run
>   under the "cyg_server" account sometimes.  However, switching
>   back to "LocalSystem" instead of having to create a special
>   "cyg_server" service account is one of the advantages of the
>   new logon method.  For details, see
>   https://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/ntsec.html#ntsec-nopasswd1
I didn't fully understand it all to be honest, but, is there another drawback 
to have the localsystem running the deamon instead of the cyg_server user, 
other than having the administrator possibly knowing the password ?
I only use (and by only, again, thank you for that, saved me lot of time), to 
make rsync over ssh on windows hosts.
> Corinna
Thanks Renaud

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