I tried the same, but on a local (NTFS) volume and there it completed
with no error.
Will do some more tests and report...

On Sun, 16 Jun 2019 at 22:05, David Balažic <xerc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> Using cygwin64 with latest updates, I got this error after running
> lrzip (for hours):
> $ lrzip -v sda.2019-apr-01.local
> The following options are in effect for this COMPRESSION.
> Threading is ENABLED. Number of CPUs detected: 4
> Detected 17168990208 bytes ram
> Compression level 7
> Nice Value: 19
> Show Progress
> Verbose
> Temporary Directory set as: /tmp/
> Compression mode is: LZMA. LZO Compressibility testing enabled
> Heuristically Computed Compression Window: 109 = 10900MB
> Output filename is: sda.2019-apr-01.local.lrz
> Warning, unable to set permissions on sda.2019-apr-01.local.lrz
> File size: 128035676160
> Will take 12 passes
> Beginning rzip pre-processing phase
> Beginning rzip pre-processing phase
> Beginning rzip pre-processing phase
> Beginning rzip pre-processing phase
> Beginning rzip pre-processing phase
> Beginning rzip pre-processing phase
> Beginning rzip pre-processing phase
> Beginning rzip pre-processing phase
> Beginning rzip pre-processing phase
> pthread_createResource temporarily unavailable
> Fatal error - exiting
> There is a created file with size 26401988882 and name
> sda.2019-apr-01.local.lrz in the same folder, after the crash.
> Googling that error line find only one case:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=623745
> It is from year 2011 and is supposedly patched.
> The $PWD is /cygdrive/z/tmp  which is a CIFS/SMB mount from a my NAS.
> Regards,
> David

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