Ah, thanks a lot - I will pass on this information to my
co-maintainer. I did find
https://github.com/tkelman/cygwin-cmake/blob/master/cmake.cygport but
I do not know what its status is or even if it has any ;).



Op vr 28 jun. 2019 om 15:02 schreef Adam Dinwoodie <a...@dinwoodie.org>:
> On Fri, 28 Jun 2019 at 11:56, Arjen Markus wrote:
> > In the context of the PLplot project (plplot.sf.net) we are interested
> > in the details of how software is packaged for Cygwin, in particular
> > how CMake is packaged (development of this package is rather fast and
> > we attempt to keep up with it, so that we can clean up the various
> > workarounds).
> >
> > To better understand the process, we would like to know, how packaging
> > is arranged - is that via "cygport" files? And if so, what is the
> > authorative location of these files (notably cmake.cygport)? If some
> > other method is used, could you enllighten us about the actual
> > process?
> Cygport provides a way for maintainers to build packages that are
> compatible with the Cygwin package distribution tools, so most
> maintainers use it, but I think there are still a few packages that
> are maintained without cygport; provided maintainers upload packages
> that are compatible with the package distribution tools used by the
> Cygwin project, maintainers are free to use whatever tools they like.
> In the specific case of cmake, that package does use cygport, but it's
> not guaranteed that all packages will.
> The only authoritative source of these files will be the source
> package downloads you can get through the Cygwin installer, by ticking
> the "Src?" box in the setup-(x86|x86_64).exe installer. Those are only
> guaranteed to include the source code itself, but for any package
> using cygport, you can expect they'll also include the cygport file
> and any associated files. There's no general repository for the
> packaging tools and configuration other than that which maintainers
> have uploaded to provide via the packaging distribution mirrors. Some
> maintainers will keep their cygport files on GitHub or similar (I do),
> but that's entirely down to the preferences of the individual
> maintainer, and I don't know where – or even if – the cmake cygport
> files are available anywhere else.
> Adam
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