On 7/11/2019 4:20 PM, David Karr wrote:

>>>> How do I add service dependencies to start up in a particular order?
>>> In an elevated cmd or bash shell:
>>> elevated > OR # sc config syslog-ng depend= cygserver
>>> elevated > OR # sc config cron depend= syslog-ng/cygserver
>>> N.B. the "=" is part of each keyword; multiple service dependencies are
>>> separated by "/".
> After doing all of this, I still can't get cron jobs to work, and I can't
> get any info on why.

Doing all of "that" doesn't change a running cron daemon; those only
afect the initial run after boot up.

> This is the current output from "crontab -l":
> I've tried editing that last one and changing the minutes to include
> upcoming minutes, and then after those minutes, I check the results, and
> there are none.  Nothing in cron.log or syslog-ng.log.

Editing in this context means running 'crontab -e' (which uses vi to
edit the user's cron table).  After exiting that (with ZZ to save &
exit, or :wq) cron sends a message to the log, which, by the way may
need to be configured (i.e. syslog-ng has its own configuration, an in
there may be a line that says where cron's log goes, or if it is ignored).

Restarting the daemon should also produce a line in the log, which is
another notification that it is working.

In Linux I even have set the cron daemon's log level to show the start
of all cron jobs; that parameter in Cygwin would go as optional
parameter in the installation as service ("-L 1" in the cygrunsrv line
of the installation script, or maybe running cygrunsrv again, visible
and editable in the "Start parameters" at the service Properties view).

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