On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 07:01:24PM -0800, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> Recently updated to 1.3.18-1 and telnet/rlogin/etc have stopped working. 
> inetd is running as a service just like before. The problem now is that 
> I cannot authenticate! No password works:
> $ telnet $(hostname)
> Trying
> Connected to adefaria.SALIRA.COM.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.3.18(0.69/3/2) (adefaria) (tty7)
> login: adefaria
> Password:
> Login incorrect
> login: Connection closed by foreign host.
> Tried several times with what I know is my correct password. When I do 
> the same telnet to a machine running 1.3.17 it works fine.
> Another interesting thing is:
> $ passwd --status
> passwd: unknown user adefaria

So... did you check your passwd and group files?  Regenerate them.
I have no problems connecting with telnet so it's probably something
with these files.


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