> Hi everyone!
> As I often access different drives from within the bash I'm wondering
> if there's a quicker way to get on, say, drive l (a network drive)
> than entering 'cd /cygdrive/l'?
> I alias'd '/cygdrive/l' to 'l' which works fine for cd, but not for
> commands like chmod, cp, mv etc. Among others I'd like to use the
> automatic command line completion which doesn't work for
> /cygdrive/... either.

Make a real directory /cygdrive. Command completion will then work.

Or, ln -s /cygdrive/c /c
Or, ln -s /cygdrive /drv

(Yes, I know you *can* change the cygdrive prefix itself, but you never know
when you will run into some script that tries to use it.)


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