On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 3:33 PM David Karr wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 2:17 PM L A Walsh wrote:
>> On 2019/08/15 18:28, David Karr wrote:
>> > I logged into my Win7 laptop and I saw it was having some connection
>> > problems, so I decided to reboot.
>> >
>> > After the reboot I found that Cygwin had some basic problems.  I
>> brought up
>> > a mintty window (C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -e /bin/bash --login) and
>> the
>> > prompt looked odd.  It wasn't the PS1 value that I set in my .bashrc. It
>> > also seemed to be saying that my current directory was "/", which is
>> not my
>> > homedir.
>> >
>> You might want to read the section in the cygwin user manual, especially
>> https://www.cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/ntsec.html#ntsec-mapping
>> If you don't have /etc/passwd or /etc/group, cygwin will generate
>> DOMAIN+USER entries dynamically each time you start cygwin (or per-boot)
>> if you have cygwin processes started at boot.  The /etc/passwd and group
>> files do not exist by default.
>> If you want consistency -- same user names+id's with each boot and
>> MS-Win compatible names, you may want to create /etc/passwd
>> and /etc/group using mkpasswd, mkgroup and hand tuning.  It isn't
>> suggested for most users, but it may be something you want.
> I would most like to understand what changed to make this suddenly start
> happening.
> Also note the following:
> $ mkpasswd -u <myuid> -d
> <myuid>:*:2993517:1049089:U-ITSERVICES\<myuid>,S-1-5-21-2057499049-1289676208-1959431660-1944941:/home/<myuid>:/bin/bash

Well, I guess I've managed to resolve this, but I would really like to
understand why I had to do what I did.  I basically ran both mkpasswd and
mkgroup, passing "-d -c"  and writing the output to the corresponding
passwd or group file, and then rebooting.  It now appears to work just as
well as it did before.

I've been running this Cygwin installation for a long time on this laptop
without any problem like this.

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