On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 11:31 AM John Penrod wrote:
> Hello,
> Getting the above error and also says "Profile weekly data copy failed to 
> execute".  Please advise.  Thanks!

Go back to whomever provided that rsync package and get an update

That warning has been fixed for years, and seeing indicates that a
long outdated Cygwin library is in use by the package.  While it is
hypothetically still possible to trip that in current versions, the
warning message in current versions has been changed to point this
link as well.

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

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