On 2019-09-03 05:00, tvonderhaar wrote:
> Has anyone gotten Cygwin glade v3.20.3 to run without it crashing with a 
> segment
> fault. I got the latest updates to make sure it had not been fixed. No luck. 
> The
> strace is very long. I had attached a 7z compressed version of it but my 
> E-Mail
> was reject as too long at greater that 1MB even though it is actually 940kb. 
> It
> is hard to believe that the overhead of this message is over 60kb.  The strace
> indicates to me that the program wrote outside of it writeable memory space.

Compressed binaries have to be encoded in attachments which expands the contents
by about 1/3.
Copy the strace output and delete all the standard startup before your program
gets going, then copy that and delete what you can that is irrelevant before the
segv, then check the size is less than 1MB, and attach.
If still too big, can you post it in a Github gist, on a Google drive, or other
external site you have access to?

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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