On 9/5/2019 2:11 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
> Since I started using this version, I've been having some strange
> hangs running g++ (called from make).  The compilation just hangs
> (probably at the link stage).  The .o file is generated but the .exe
> is not.  If I remove the .o file and try again, sometimes it works.
> I had been running the August 09 version of Cygwin at work and have
> never seen the problem there.
> Does this ring any bells for anyone?  I just updated work to the 5
> September test version, I'll see if the problem shows up.

3.1.0-0.3 had some bugs that were fixed in today's 3.1.0-0.4 release.  Please 
report back after trying it.


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