On 2019-09-19 13:51, Hashim Aziz wrote:
> I've been using Cygwin loyally for almost 5 years now, and throughout that
> time have found the win-mounts column invaluable to find a drive or USB's
> /dev/sdX mapping, by doing cat /proc/partitions.

> I haven't run that command in a while, however, and today I realised that
> this functionality no longer seems to work - no Windows drive mapping
> information displays in the win-mounts column, so now I'm unable to determine
> which drive /dev/sdX corresponds to.
> corresponds to. See here<https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/379346/216754> for 
> another user who also found this functionality no longer worked for them, 
> which was my impetus in reporting this bug. That user is on Windows XP, and 
> I'm on Windows 7.

XP is unsupported, but I believe Vista, 7, and 8 are still supported so far;
although Vista is no longer supported by MS, and W7 stops next January: Cygwin
support may go after that, if test systems are unavailable to developers.

> Maybe some testing could be done to confirm whether this problem is limited
> to those systems, or whether this really is a Cygwin-wide bug introduced in
> the last year or so.
Please run the following command and post the output, which looks okay on my
Win10 Home Cygwin 64 and 32 (may be redacted/tweaked for provacy/security):

$ head -n99 /proc/{mounts,partitions,version}
==> /proc/mounts <==
C:/.../cygwin64/bin /usr/bin ntfs binary,auto 1 1
C:/.../cygwin64/lib /usr/lib ntfs binary,auto 1 1
C:/.../cygwin64 / ntfs binary,auto 1 1
C: /proc/cygdrive/c ntfs binary,posix=0,user,noumount,auto 1 1
D: /proc/cygdrive/d ntfs binary,posix=0,user,noumount,auto 1 1
G: /proc/cygdrive/g ntfs binary,posix=0,user,noumount,auto 1 1

==> /proc/partitions <==
major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts

    8     0 976762584 sda
    8     1    102400 sda1
    8     2     16384 sda2
    8     3 975593472 sda3   D:\
    8     4   1048576 sda4
    8    16 976762584 sdb
    8    17    131072 sdb1
    8    18    102400 sdb2
    8    19 975561267 sdb3   C:\
    8    20    498688 sdb4
    8    21    465920 sdb5   G:\
    8    32         0 sdc

==> /proc/version <==
CYGWIN_NT-10.0-17763 version 3.0.7-338.x86_64 (corinna@calimero) (gcc version
7.4.0 20181206 (Fedora Cygwin 7.4.0-1) (GCC) ) 2019-04-30 18:08 UTC

$ head -n99 /proc/{mounts,partitions,version}
==> /proc/mounts <==
C:/.../cygwin32/bin /usr/bin ntfs binary,auto 1 1
C:/.../cygwin32/lib /usr/lib ntfs binary,auto 1 1
C:/.../cygwin32 / ntfs binary,auto 1 1
C: /proc/cygdrive/c ntfs binary,posix=0,user,noumount,auto 1 1
D: /proc/cygdrive/d ntfs binary,posix=0,user,noumount,auto 1 1
G: /proc/cygdrive/g ntfs binary,posix=0,user,noumount,auto 1 1

==> /proc/partitions <==
major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts

    8     0 976762584 sda
    8     1    102400 sda1
    8     2     16384 sda2
    8     3 975593472 sda3   D:\
    8     4   1048576 sda4
    8    16 976762584 sdb
    8    17    131072 sdb1
    8    18    102400 sdb2
    8    19 975561267 sdb3   C:\
    8    20    498688 sdb4
    8    21    465920 sdb5   G:\
    8    32         0 sdc

==> /proc/version <==
CYGWIN_NT-10.0-17763-WOW64 version 3.0.7-338.i686 (corinna@calimero) (gcc
version 7.4.0 20181206 (Fedora Cygwin 7.4.0-1) (GCC) ) 2019-04-30 18:04 UTC

You could also run the command below and post the output:

$ for disk in /dev/sd*; do echo -n $disk$'\t'; cygpath -m $disk; done
/dev/sda        //./Disk{4bd9b009-5d00-03ab-9832-ead73d535cfc}
/dev/sda2       //./HarddiskVolume2
/dev/sda3       //./D:
/dev/sdb        //./Disk{5587aa19-93e2-7ba5-b246-3a88699f35dd}
/dev/sdb1       //./HarddiskVolume5
/dev/sdb2       //./Volume{a0840694-a9dc-4fcf-b01d-b16e175ba289}
/dev/sdb3       //./C:
/dev/sdb4       //./Volume{b89ebfd5-ce50-4e31-acc2-43bc66448219}
/dev/sdb5       //./G:
/dev/sdc        //./Disk{6f5f36e2-87ce-3295-78af-8635d1fc904b}
/dev/sdc1       //./E:

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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