On 9/20/2019 5:11 AM, Houder wrote:
> As I said already, the snippet should NOT be executed in general. Perhaps
> it is another left-over from old times that should have been deleted.

You're absolutely right.  Prior to commit b0717aae0, the code looked like this:

       if (strncmp (path, "\\\\.\\", 4))
          /* Windows ignores trailing dots and spaces in the last path
             component, and ignores exactly one trailing dot in inner
             path components. */
          char *tail = NULL;
          if (!tail || tail == path)
            /* nothing */;
          else if (tail[-1] != '\\')
              *tail = '\0';
              strip_tail = true;
              error = ENOENT;

Note the use of a *local* tail variable.  It's a pointer into path, as you can 
see by looking at the part I omitted.

In commit b0717aae0, Corinna intended to disable this code, but she 
inadvertently disabled only part of it.  Here's the relevant part of that 

@@ -1170,6 +1225,7 @@ out:
        if (strncmp (path, "\\\\.\\", 4))
+#if 0
           /* Windows ignores trailing dots and spaces in the last path
              component, and ignores exactly one trailing dot in inner
              path components. */
@@ -1190,7 +1246,7 @@ out:
                   tail = NULL;
           if (!tail || tail == path)
             /* nothing */;
           else if (tail[-1] != '\\')

In particular, the declaration of the local tail variable is in the disabled 
code, so the cruft at the end is referring to the other tail, which points into 

[A later commit removed the disabled code.]

I'll fix this and then look at your patches to mkdir and rmdir.  It would be 
very helpful if you would write these as a patch series with cover letter, 
git format-patch, and send them to the cygwin-patches list.


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