Le ven. 27 sept. 2019 à 16:13, Ken Brown <kbr...@cornell.edu> a écrit :

> On 9/27/2019 9:37 AM, Norton Allen wrote:
> > On 9/26/2019 10:50 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
> >>
> >>> As a simple test example, consider:
> >>>
> >>> /bin/ssh-agent /bin/sleep 10
> >>>
> >>> While the sleep is still running, ps shows:
> >>>
> >>>         PID    PPID    PGID     WINPID   TTY         UID    STIME
> >>>        1694    1693    1694       1576  ?          22534 00:01:10
> >>> /usr/bin/ssh-agent
> >>>        1653       1    1653      11740  cons1      22534 00:00:37
> /usr/bin/bash
> >>>        1693    1653    1693       1552  cons1      22534 00:01:10
> /usr/bin/sleep
> >>>
> >>> One oddity is that ssh-agent is listed as a subprocess of sleep
> >> ...but this isn't a bug.  ssh-agent forks, and then the parent execs
> the command.
> >
> > With the salient difference presumably being that the exec is done in
> the parent
> > instead of the child as usual?
> Yes.  The idea is that 'ssh-agent command' should be more-or-less
> equivalent to
> running 'command', with ssh-agent running as a subprocess.
> The ssh-agent subprocess periodically checks to see if its parent is still
> alive, and it exits when the parent has died.  Someone should figure out
> why
> this is not working on Cygwin.
> Ken
> Ken
> --
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this may probably be not fully related but I see from time to time a
strange behavior of ssh-agent (running in the background and initially
started by keychain launched in .bashrc) : the agent is running wild (25%
of cpu and never responding). It seems to occur (not systematically) when
network is disconnected and reconnected (this is on a laptop often removed
from the docking system). Do you have any idea how to diagnose the issue
more precisely?


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