On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 14:09:18 -0600, Brian Inglis wrote:

> Msys2 tools have to make their own arrangements if they support native Windows
> paths.
> Personally I found when I used to use DOS and Windows tools, it was easier 
> using
> slashes instead of backslashes as directory separators, as most interfaces did
> not care, including most DOS & Windows APIs.

Use the source, Luke. Globbing on the cmdline, as we all know, is
something you only
care about when you are *not* passing in arguments from a Unix-type cmdline, and
build_argv in dcrt0.cc does *only* run globify if the parent process is *not*

> Backslash escaping and switching enclosing quotes on shell command lines...

See above.

Mingye Wang (Artoria2e5)

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