Hi All,

I posted about this problem in the past but was unable to solve it completely.
It seems getent works intermediately. 
Sometimes it shows my user and sometimes it doesn't.
I don't think I have this problem with other users, but maybe I do and don't 
feel it as much cause they are less used. The user I'm looking for is the one 
responsible for our automations, so every time getent fails to find it, I see 
it in my scripts.

Any idea why this is happening?

Adding command outputs:
myUser@dom1-job11 ~
$ getent passwd user1

myUser@dom1-job11 ~
$ getent passwd user1

myUser@dom1-job11 ~

myUser@dom1-job11 ~

myUser@dom1-job11 ~
$ getent passwd user1

myUser@dom1-job11 ~
$ getent passwd user1

myUser@dom1-job11 ~
$ getent passwd user1

myUser@dom1-job11 ~
$ getent passwd user1

myUser@dom1-job11 ~

myUser@dom1-job11 ~
$ getent passwd user1

myUser@dom1-job11 ~
$ getent passwd user1

myUser@dom1-job11 ~
$ getent passwd user1

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

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