On 2019-11-14 21:31, Ken Brown wrote:
> On 11/14/2019 2:32 PM, Keith Christian wrote:
> > The "boxes" command fails to run on a Cygwin64 install two weeks ago.
> > 
> > echo "hello" | /usr/bin/boxes
> > boxes: No such file or directory
> Running boxes under strace shows that it is trying to open a file named "-" 
> and 
> exiting because that file doesn't exist.
> The version of boxes in the Cygwin distro is very old, so I don't think it's 
> worth the trouble to debug this.  I just downloaded and built the latest 
> release, and it seems to work fine.
> I've added the boxes maintainer to the Cc in case he wants to update the 
> package.

Fixed. Latest release uploaded.


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