On 2019/12/12 13:40, Eliot Moss wrote:
Ah!  I think what you want is a tmpfs or ramfs.
Not sure if cygwin supports that ...
   Easiest thing might be to use /dev/shm. I used it during
development to store intermediate data that was later to be
transfered via a fifo...

Basically check for existence of "/dev/shm" (exists on my cygwin).
if "tmp" didn't already exist, create it w/options similar to
/tmp (only owner can delete/edit):

mkdir -m 1777 /tmp/shm/tmp

**Warning, "writes" to /dev/shm/tmp (or /dev/mem) can fill up
your system's memory, so its only good for "small files"
(small being well under your system's free memory amount).

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