Hello Andrey,

The way I ended up "solving" this is by restoring a backup of cygwin I had from a few weeks ago.  Almost nothing had changed with my working files, so I considered it good enough and called it a day.

However, I kept a copy of the failed/corrupted install and put it in a VM so I can continue to diagnose the failure.  Interestingly, it exhibits the same failure within the VM, so now we know it's not something within the specific Windows environment.  Also worth noting, the host environment is Windows 7, the VM guest is Windows 10.

I took your suggestion and ran `rebase-trigger full`, closed cygwin windows, and re-ran setup.  It has not resolved the problem, unfortunately.

 - Brent

On 2019-12-21 08:31, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, Brent Epp!

I've been using cygwin for years with no problems.  I just updated
cygwin again and I suddenly can't get into the terminal. When I click
the cygwin icon, the window just flashes and immediately closes.
What's interesting is that I have a number of cygwin/mintty shortcuts
for SSH servers as `c:\path\to\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe /bin/ssh
u...@server.com`, which work just fine. I can also get in if I run
`cygwin.bat` in `cmd`, `console2` or any other Windows command terminal.
I've tried running the latest cygwin setup, reinstalling `mintty`, and
the shortcut still fails. The shortcut is just the default target:
`C:\path\to\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe /bin/bash --login -i`
I don't know what else to try.  What happened here and how do I fix this?
I'd suggest running `rebase-trigger full`, closing all Cygwin
programs/services, and running setup again as a first attempt to resolve it.

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