I first reported this problem to the Mintty project at GitHub.  With their 
help, I was able to debug the issue to the call to forkpty.  I installed tmux 
and found it also hangs the exact same way.  My guess is any process which 
makes this fork call will hang in a similar way. Rather than copy/paste the 
thread, I'd rather just refer you to there : 

I will also direct link to the strace log I made which includes my comment 
showing where the hang happens:
https://github.com/mintty/mintty/files/4136651/mintty.strace.log (Line 718 is 
the hanging point.)

Also Windows 10's analyze wait chain function in TaskManager shows the process 
waiting for Network I/O, but we see no evidence of network activity. 

I haven't seen any other windows applications hang thusly, so I'm at a loss for 
what I've done to my windows system to have caused this. Otherwise, I'd expect 
others to share my pain.  Any ideas?

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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