Greetings, Ulli Horlacher!

> I tried to write an installer.bat which uses the Windows bsdtar, but it
> fails with:

> C:\>dir
>  Volume in drive C has no label.
>  Volume Serial Number is EC42-8D26

>  Directory of C:\

> 31 Jan 2020  12:45        84.340.162 cygwin64.tgz
> 31 Jan 2020  14:38        91.960.715
> 31 Jan 2020  12:45                45 cygwin64_addons.tgz
> 19 Mar 2019  05:52    <DIR>          PerfLogs
> 13 Jan 2020  13:12    <DIR>          Program Files
> 15 Jan 2020  17:32    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
> 13 Jan 2020  13:12    <DIR>          Users
> 13 Jan 2020  14:46    <DIR>          Windows
> 31 Jan 2020  13:59    <DIR>          xx
> 31 Jan 2020  14:43        91.960.889
>                4 File(s)    268.261.811 bytes
>                6 Dir(s)  45.442.043.904 bytes free

> C:\>tar -xf
> cygwin64/bin/apropos: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\\\cygwin64\\bin\\apropos'
> cygwin64/bin/awk: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\\\cygwin64\\bin\\awk'
> cygwin64/bin/bzcmp: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\\\cygwin64\\bin\\bzcmp'
> cygwin64/bin/bzegrep: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\\\cygwin64\\bin\\bzegrep'
> cygwin64/bin/bzfgrep: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\\\cygwin64\\bin\\bzfgrep'
> cygwin64/bin/bzless: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\\\cygwin64\\bin\\bzless'
> cygwin64/bin/captoinfo: Can't create '\\\\?\\C:\\\\cygwin64\\bin\\captoinfo'
> ^C
> C:\>

> (I run it as administrator).

> Any idea what went wrong

Wrong is precisely the way you are trying to "install" it.

> and how I can fix it?

Use supported ways to install Cygwin.
Even if you would successfully unpack your clone, on a different system, you
would still need to run full rebase. It's way easier to just script setup.exe
to install what you need.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Saturday, February 1, 2020 12:53:20

Sorry for my terrible english...

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