Hi David & Co,

> I have started down the road of building cygwin, but did run into a
> few issues so don't have a debuggable version yet. If you beat me to
> it,  please let me know. Thanks!

Any findings?

I have found something interesting:

1) If i run the terminal without mintty, the problem goes away. I can
run my makefiles with "make -j20" without any issues if i start with
"bash --login" instead of the mintty shortcut, where it just uses the
normal windows terminal.

2) As soon as i run via mintty, even "make -j2" quickly goes south,
causes various fork() issues as we have seen. I will see if i can
create a small makefile that shows this.

So either the change we are looking for affects mintty, or the actual
bug we are looking for is in mintty and not the DLL (or both).

Can anyone shed light on this? Another problem is that if i rewind the
DLL (building previous commits) too much then mintty stops working...

Any pointers would be great!



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