On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 09:22:15 -0800
David Rothenberger wrote:
> With cygwin 3.1.4, I get an "exception c0000005" when I perform the
> following actions:
> 1. Use the Windows run box to start a cmd shell
> 2. From there, run "bash". (I'm sure it is the Cygwin bash.)
> 3. From there, run "mintty"
> I've reproduced this problem on four Windows 10 Pro boxes. Three are
> up-to-date. One is my work box and is running 1803.
> Reverting to Cygwin 3.1.2 fixes the problem.
> Define CYGWIN=disable_pcon does not fix the problem.

Thanks for the report. I found the cause and will submit
a patch for this issue soon.

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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