
I am Pierre Meignen, software developer working for a belgium company.

I have a question regarding cygwin and its use.

Is it allowed/legal to integrate cygwin installer (2.11.1(0.329/5/3)) into
the installer of an application that we plan to distribute commercially?

I have checked the past cygwin posts but I did not see any clear answer to
my question.

I know how to handle source code in LGPL but I have difficulty to
understand what I can do with cygwin (LGPL) but which also contains tools
covered by the GNU GPL and so on.

We have customized cygwin installer in order to install locally the
necessary packages.

Once in its execution, our application launches cygwin.bat and launch
commands to upload embedded systems.

We do not link towards cygwin.dll.

We currently use the application internally but we plan to distribute it
commerically in the future.

Thanks in advance for your support/feedback,


Pierre Meignen

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