On 28/02/2020 07:21, Brian Inglis wrote:
Hi folks,

After the recent upgrades to cygwin 3.1.4, perl, etc. I have found that the
Cygwin-X Startup, Start Menu, and Task Bar shortcuts no longer work, although I
can start Cygwin-X by running startxwin from a mintty window.

 From the shortcut, the shell is invoked to run startxwin normally, two copies 
xinit fork, and Xwin runs and displays the start tray Xserver icon, but my
mintty terminal and the xwin-xdg-menu clients don't start.

Two copies of xinit suggests to me that it is getting stuck somewhere in the cygwin fork/exec of /etc/X11/xinit/startxwinrc (which in turn starts ~/.startxwinrc if it exists) to start clients.

On exiting the X server, the processes are left running and have to be killed 
There are sockets and lock files, which are left around after termination:
$ llgo /tmp/.X11-unix/X0*
srw-rw-rw- 1 0 Feb 27 23:11 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0=
-rw------- 1 0 Feb 27 23:11 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0.lock

The server log /var/log/xwin/XWin.0.log looks normal, and nothing shows in

My .startxwinrc is a copy of /etc/X11/xinit/startxwinrc with addition of the
minnty terminal startup in bg before leaving xwin-xdg-menu running in fg.

The shortcut and processes when started normally look like:

C:\...\cygwin64\bin\run.exe --quote /bin/sh -l -c "cd; exec /usr/bin/startxwin"
/bin/sh /usr/bin/startxwin
\_ xinit /home/$USER/.startxwinrc -- /usr/bin/XWin ... [as below]
    \_ /usr/bin/XWin :0 -multiwindow -auth /home/$USER/.serverauth.$PGID

I have checked the man pages and the Cygwin-X docs for hints about things to
check and try with little success.

Hints and suggestions about possible problems and problem solving approaches
would be appreciated.

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