On 2020-03-03 10:21, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> Takashi Yano writes:
>> On Tue, 03 Mar 2020 12:40:17 +0000
>> "Henry S. Thompson" wrote:
>>> Takashi Yano writes:
>>>> This bug was already fixed in current git head.
>>> Current git head for Cygwin?  Or mintty?
>> I mean cygwin.
> OK, this is now getting very weird.  As at least one other person
> reported, the problem is intermittent, with both my systems, both on
> 3.1.4 Cygwin and 3.1.4 mintty.
> Two further shots in the dark:
>  1) I tried to run cygcheck -s while there was an XWin + sh hang, as
>     previously reported.  It hung also.  Process Explorer shows
>   bash.exe
>      bash.exe
>         cygcheck.exe
>            id.exe
>     I can use strace to attach to it, and it is indeed
>     [cygdir]\bin\id.exe, showing lots of dll loads, then a thread being
>     created and exiting happily, last two lines are
>      thread nnn created
>      _cygtls::remove: wait 0
>   Mystery
>   So, try connecting strace to the hung sh process...
>   [Nothing :-[
>   Connecting to it with gdb shows various threads, but ^C doesn't
>   achieve anything.
>  2) There are some hints that cygrunsrv/cygserver might be implicated.
>     Two cygchecks on one of my machines (which did run to completion)
>     differ in that the one taken while XWin had started successfully
>     differed from the other in that all my Cygwin services (cron,
>     cygserver, sshd, and exim) were stopped,
>     In the other, a case of XWin hang, they were all running.
>     On my other system after several fails in a row, I stopped all my
>     services and XWin launched successfully.
> Grasping at straws here, but I have one machine sitting in a hung state,
> and other debugging ideas welcome...

XWin startup takes different paths depending on whether you have sshd running or
not. I also have cygserver defined with max supported threads, as I have cron
jobs which need them. I can often get multiwindow X to launch from mintty with
sshd disabled, after deleting:

$ llgo -AR /tmp/.X* /tmp/dbus-* /tmp/fam-$USER/fam-
-r--r--r--  1 11 Mar  2 00:20 /tmp/.X0-lock
srwxrwxrwx  1  0 Mar  2 14:27 /tmp/dbus-5P1mCxSjEA=
srwxrwxrwx  1  0 Mar  2 00:20 /tmp/dbus-JEIRS3qks6=
srwxrwxrwx  1  0 Mar  2 12:34 /tmp/dbus-K5HWAHFshg=
srwxrwxrwx  1  0 Mar  3 10:34 /tmp/dbus-pvf4OTaHDu=
srwxrwxrwx  1  0 Mar  2 08:47 /tmp/dbus-QdAWXiPC8F=
srwxrwxrwx  1  0 Mar  2 14:01 /tmp/dbus-TFjEzRHU4c=
srwxrwxrwx  1  0 Mar  2 14:26 /tmp/dbus-VsXRfGI5GT=
srwxrwxrwx  1  0 Mar  2 12:37 /tmp/dbus-Zo1S6Q5MSG=
srw-------  1  0 Mar  2 00:20 /tmp/fam-$USER/fam-=

total 1.0K
srw-rw-rw- 1 0 Mar  2 00:20 X0=
-rw------- 1 0 Mar  2 00:20 X0.lock

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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