I have been a cygwin user since 2005. I have found it has saved me on a
windows system. I am an Oracle DBA, and working on *Nix has been my thing
until companies stopped providing workstations. So cygwin has been it.  

My last update of cygwin was in 2014, so I am quite behind in updates.  I
pushed this out to over 300 systems I manage (all windows now). I built an
automated install, and it does what I want. More recently startring with Win
server 2016 , and now 2019 when using X I get a CMD window accompanying it
that doesn't close. And with being outdated, it was time to upgrade. I also
wanted iconv.

So I decide to build a fresh install, for the latest as of 3 weeks ago
(3/2/2020). Most everything is fine, but when using sqlplus either in an
xterm or in mintty my control U  (KILL) does not get fired off in sqlplus.
This always worked in the past.  I have played with stty for days it seems,
and cannot get sqlplus to kill the current line.

I have taken the approach of building a new test box, and installing the old
version of 2014 cygwin release. It does work with sqlplus. I then tried
upgrading but not all pieces, but now it's back to Kill not working. I have
set -o vi, set raw... I'm still at a loss for how to get it to pass through.
It works in my shell (btw mksh), not bash.  

I think with the new cygwin, maybe there is some protection between apps
going on, that was not in place back in 2014.   but that is just a guess,
not from any knowledge.

Does anyone have the same problem, or have a solution.  I don't expect other
editor commands to work, but this one command is so useful, in clearing out
a garbage line.

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