Eliot Moss wrote:
So here's a thing, though I don't understand it:

In addition the build/taskset.exe, there's a build/.libs/taskset.exe.
If I install the latter in /usr/bin/.libs/taskset.exe, then /usr/bin/taskset
works.  In fact, it seems that the version in .libs is the "real" program
and /usr/bin/taskset is some kind of trampoline (?) to it?
Libtool wrapper is shell script on Unix/Linux and executable on Microsoft Windows OS. 
Goal of "wrapper" is to prepare environment in the way that allows to run real 
executable without installation.
Project that creates just one executable is not the beast sample but think for 
a library project and a bundle of tests (executable). All tests must load 
library from build tree.

In fact, a stripped version of build/.libs/taskset installed in /usr/bin
works just fine.  There must be some kind of build and install convention
going on that I am not familiar with.  (I'm not familiar with a lot of
these build processes, actually.)
I think that in some cases this executable has to be relinked. Definitely not on 
Microsoft Windows OS. So on cygwin it is "final" executable.

Best - Eliot

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