On 2020-03-26 06:38, Fergus Daly via Cygwin wrote:
>>> Anybody else having problems with cursor position and hotkey commands in 
>>> nano v.4.3?
> Further to above, and a bit different:
> I downloaded the current nano-4.9.tgz from source, extracted the source files 
> and  within Cygwin ran the
> ./configure .. .. make .. .. make install trio.
> Perfect glich-free installation showing the new nano executable and support 
> files located in /usr/local/bin/ and /usr/local/share/.
> (NB the Cygwin-provided nano v.4.3 installation remains in place.)
> The command
> $ echo $PATH
> returns
> /home/user/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
> (so /usr/local/bin/ precedes /usr/bin/ as required)
> and the command
> # which nano
> returns
> /usr/local/bin/nano
> (as expected)
> BUT: the command
> $ nano --version
> returns
> GNU nano, version 4.3
> which is not what is required, referring to the original and not the later 
> installation; and the command
> $ nano anynamedtextfile
> reveals on screen that nano v.4.3 not v.4.9 is being used.
> Q1 Am I doing / thinking / remembering something daft about command 
> hierarchies, or should the expected v.4.9 be the one obtained (which it 
> isn't)?
> Q2 Should I _necessarily_ uninstall the original v.4.3 - and if so, why, 
> given the expected priority usages?
> Thank you!

If using bash as your SHELL, enter:

        $ command -V nano       # lists what will execute

        $ type -a nano          # lists aliases, functions, exes in PATH

and it should tell you if there are any aliases or functions fronting your nano;
also you can run the nano exe using:

        $ command nano          # runs exes in PATH
        $ /usr/local/bin/nano   # runs exe at path

and see what version you get in each case.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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