Greetings, David Karr!

> I've been using Cygwin for a long time. I haven't run a fresh install for
> quite a while.

> A colleague just installed Cygwin for the first time, following my basic
> instructions. He ended up with his Cygwin home being the same as his
> Windows home, which is different from my setup, but I think that's fine.

This suggests something in the environment. Possibly your colleague have
%HOME% defined. Cygwin will pick it up.

> What seems odd is that he didn't get the default dot files created, being
> .profile, .bash_profile, and .bashrc.

> I don't even remember whether this happened the first time I set it up.  In
> any case, I handed him my dot files to template from, but I was curious
> about that process.

These are only copied to profile, when a new profile directory is created.
I.e. if there's no HOME env. var set and Cygwin is with default nsswitch

You can find Cygwin default profile in the usual place. /etc/skel, that is.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, March 26, 2020 21:56:38

Sorry for my terrible english...

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