On Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 14:29 Kacper Michajlow wrote:

> > You can try another pty emulator. F.e. wintty.
> Not really interested in some dead projects ;p
> Let me rephrase the question, because I misspoke.
> Currently Cygwin works acceptably only under Mintty as far as I can see.
> Running it from cmd or any of terminal emulators listed before result in
> sub-par performance. Even things like Home button to move cursor doesn't
> work, as originally stated tmux doesn't work and so on.
> Now that Windows is making improvements to their console
> https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/windows-command-line-introducing-the-windows-pseudo-console-conpty/
> it may be good time to improve Cygwin's compatibility.
> Since my first mail I looked at git log and seen pty related changes,
> compiled latest Cygwin, but it doesn't work better and even worse, because
> mouse stopped working over ssh in tmux.
> That said, I guess my really questions are:
> 1. Is the goal to improve Windows console compatibility?
> 2. If yes, what is the current status and challenges?
> 3. And my original question will the tmux work? :)
> Projects like Windows Terminal are convenient way to have PS, CMD, Cygwin
> and its child MSYS in one window hence I am wondering if it will be
> possible without drawbacks.


As the maintainer of the tmux Cygwin package I have to admit that I have no
idea how to fix this. Sorry.

Kind regards

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