>Dear Support Team,

>I am working in Hella India Automotive Pvt. Ltd and we are using Cygwin 
>compiler 2.0.2-1 version and OS as Windows10.
>Unfortunately we are getting below warning every time while compiling a single 
>module or whole software.

>0 [main] make 46396 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer. 
> Please report this problem to
>the public mailing list cygwin@cygwin.com<mailto:cygwin@cygwin.com>

>can you please have a look and let us know what can be problem here?

>Hiren Vaja

>Information Classification: Internal

>Hella India Automotive Private Limited, 9th Milestone-Farookhnagar Road, 
>122001 Distt. Gurgaon, India
>This document is to be treated confidentially. Its contents are not to be 
>passed on, duplicated, exploited or disclosed without our express permission. 
>All rights reserved, especially the right to apply for protective rights.

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