On 2020-05-11 12:53 pm, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
I would just like to chime in that it would be a crying shame if Cygwin were to ever drop support for Windows 7. There are many people, myself
one, who are dead set against Windows 10.

"Ever"?!?  You do realize that, ESU aside, Windows 7 is out of support
and therefore should be assumed to be vulnerable?

I suspect that something one day will make it untenable but Windows 7 is no less secure or more vulnerable than it was a year ago. All software should always be assumed to be always vulnerable. Is 10 secure on patching day but then vulnerable until the next patch day? The number of vulns in any software is fixed on the day it ships and it's whittled down as patches come out. 7 has had a heck of a lot of security fixes. It's new software that increases security holes. I have to use 10 at work and it is a ghastly operating system.


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