On 2020-05-12 3:45 pm, David wrote:
The groups command in the cmd window on Windows 10 shows None as my first group.
When I use the dir command to create a file, the security display
shows no error.
When I use the touch command to create a file, I get "The permissions
on ... are incorrectly ordered [NULL if first]

Hi David. The first thing to realize is that POSIX permissions and Windows ACLs are almost impossible to reconcile. Best to pick one and ignore the other.

https://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/ntsec.html has additional information.

To set your group you should do it in /etc/passwd.
If you don't have one, do: mkpasswd > /etc/passwd

Then edit the file and change the 4th field on the line with your username to the group Id for Users.


Then restart ALL Cygwin processes and id should show Users as your primary group. Any files created by a Windows process however will still put None as the group.

Hope that helps.


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