Shorter version:
/bin/email --verbose ... returns version info about the installed binary:
email - By Dean Jones; Version 3.2.3-git

Longer version:
I've been using email(1) since Feb 2019 or so from my office Windows desktop
to send e-mail messages from a bash script that are generated from SQL queries
using fisql(FreeTDS). Messages are sent through the SMTP
relay using my staff University credentials.

This has "just worked" until it stopped working (due to an unknown
authentication error) last Monday (18 May 2020).

In trying to diagnose this new problem, I thought "--verbose" might give me
some insight into how/where the SMTP transaction is failing when email(1)
negotiates a connection with  Alas, "--verbose" or "-v"
simply causes email(1) to report its version, as noted above, and exit

Having a look at the current github source for email.c, I see that both -V
(verbose) and -v (version) options are defined in the source version dated
May 17, 2019 (

Is there any chance that the Cygwin maintainers could flag email(1) to be
updated from the current github source (still marked in VERSION as 3.2.3-git) ?

Thank you.
Gary E. Rafe, PhD | +1 419.699.1181
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