> -----Original Message-----
> From: My Name <mname...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:34 AM
> To: Allen Hewes <al...@decisiv.com>
> Subject: Re: Apparent bug in either (1) Cygwin default Package-list or (2)
> Package "bzr" dependency-list
> > WSL2
> At your convenience, can you please link to instructions on how to install and
> start WSL2? I spent some hours searching and trying, but all I found was
> people asking Microsoft for instructions, Microsoft giving answers, people
> saying the Microsoft's answers didn't work, and the Microsoft agents
> disappearing; and a variety of conflicting instructions on Microsoft's site, 
> as if
> they had changed the installation / startup procedure repeatedly, without
> leaving a trail to whichever method is current.

This is it: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10. So as 
with lots of Microsoft docs, you'll need to read the fine print, because it 
matters with WSL2. Install WSL first, then upgrade to WSL2. You need the just 
released Windows 10 2004 version. WSL2 just landed "regular folks" in Windows 
10 2004 (20H1). ...and we are moving the thread from it's original intent...

Now, keep in mind that even with WSL, you will run into Python 2 deprecation 
issues. For instance, I prefer to use Fedora when I use Linux. The next version 
of Fedora won't have Python 2 as an installable option. So you'll be in the 
same Python 2 boat. Now, if you choose to run (and pay for) an "Enterprise OS" 
(cough, cough), you'll be OK, but in 2020 who does that? :trollface: I guess 
you could run one of the LTS Ubuntu's... I don't have any direct experience 
with Ubuntu myself.



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