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On Monday, June 22, 2020 4:11:35 PM EDT Ken Brown wrote:
> On 6/15/2020 12:21 PM, Josh Thompson wrote:
> > We recently noticed a change in double quote (") handling that is causing
> > a
> > command we issue to fail.  The command is:
> [...]
> > 3.1.4:
> > $ cmd.exe /c "echo \""
> > "
> > 
> > 3.1.5:
> > $ cmd.exe /c "echo \""
> > \"
> I can confirm this change in behavior, and I thought it would be completely
> trivial to do a bisection to find the commit that caused it.  Unfortunately,
> it seems that the issue is somehow tied up with the fact that the toolchain
> used for building the cygwin package was upgraded shortly after the release
> of 3.1.4.
> An attempt to rebuild 3.1.4 with the current toolchain fails because of some
> gcc/binutils changes.  So I applied the attached patches, which were
> applied to the Cygwin git master shortly after the release of 3.1.4, in
> order to make the build succeed.
> After installing the rebuilt 3.1.4, however, the cmd.exe call above exhibits
> the "3.1.5" behavior rather than the "3.1.4" behavior.  I can't see
> anything in the patches that would explain this.  I thought maybe it was a
> compiler optimization problem, but rebuilding without optimization doesn't
> change anything.
> I'm stumped.
> Ken

Hi Ken,

Thanks for your testing on this and for following up.  How strange - I totally 
wouldn't have expected a toolchain upgrade to have changed how quotes get 

It sounds like it will be difficult to change the quote behavior.  So, we'll 
work to get VCL updated to handle the new behavior.

- -- 
- -------------------------------
Josh Thompson
VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

my GPG/PGP key can be found on pool.sks-keyservers.net

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