
> > ...
> >    $ /cygdrive/c/Repos/Trunk/Debug64/my_msvc_program.exe
> >          0 [main] my_msvc_program (17392) child_copy: cygheap read
> > copy failed, 0x180343408..0x18036E1D8, done 0, windows pid 17392, Win32
> error 6
> >        582 [main] my_msvc_program (17392)
> > C:\Repos\Trunk\Debug64\my_msvc_program.exe: *** fatal error - ccalloc
> > would have returned NULL ...
> This is what happens when you mix different memory managers.

Well, I'm not even allocating anything or not even calling a single
function, but I guess that's irrelevant in this case ?


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