On 04.07.2020 20:19, Michael Soegtrop wrote:
Hi Marco,

unfortunately it will not be updated shortly.
The package is currently without an active maintainer


Are you eventually interested to adopt it ?

I am not an expert for GTK3 but I maintain the windows build of a largish open source project which uses GTK3 and has many CI runs a day each with a freshly installed cygwin, so I find out quickly if e.g. dependencies break. I am also roughly familiar with the cygwin packaging process.

So yes, if nobody else is maintaining it, I can do so. It is due time to give back a little bit to the cygwin project which does help me a lot (how can one survive on Windows without it?). I can also take care of the gtksourceview cygwin package (not mingw), although I have much less exposure to if this will work or not.

And I guess I should take care of base GTK3 as well then, both cygwin and mingw (of cause only if the cygwin package doesn't have a maintainer already).

What are the formalities?

join cygwin-apps mailing list, so you can ask anything
about packaging there.

read the guide

install cygport, look at the previous source package,
as most of the time things did not change too much
and when you are ready make a formal ITA (intention to adopt)
similar to ITP


Best regards,


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