On Win7. To get an elevated shell, I typically do "$ ssh xxx@yyy". And not very often.

Below is an excerpt of something potentially horrible that just happened.

Note the

   rm *

I exited the shell. I did the "ssh..." again (yeah I'm crazy), in a different bash window. And this time avast reported that it stashed sshd.exe into the virus chest.

I'm not sure who/what the culprit is, or what's going on. But it does look like there was (is?) some kind of infection somewhere on my system. I had used ftp earlier to put a file to a remote, but...?

I didn't realize that netstat was a windows command (not that I wouldn't have used it).

I've got the sshd.exe file. It has a date of Feb 18. So

 * Can I check if the bits in sshd.exe are as expected?
 * Any suggestions on cleaning up and/or restoring sanity? (I'm running
   a full virus scan right now, should be amusing...)
 * How can I get sshd.exe back? Is there a cygwin command to check that
   the packages are all as they should be?


=============== EXCERPT ==========================

$ ssh xxx@yyy
Last login: Mon May 18 21:37:37 2020 from
      ____________________, ______________________________________
   .QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQL_ |                                      |
 .gQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ__ |                                      |

$ netstat -b -a | less

######################### worked but had to ^Z/kill to get out



$ rm *
rm: cannot remove 'play': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove 'system': Is a directory

ADMIN erra@spirit ~

ADMIN ~/play
$ netstat -b -a | less

######################### let netstat complete normally, got out of less ok

ADMIN ~/play
$ client_loop: send disconnect: Connection reset by peer

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