On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 12:44 AM <bri...@pounceofcats.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Jul 2020 20:10:44 +0200
> Marco Atzeri via Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> > If it is NOT a Bloda than may be it is Windows itself.
> Well I know that my work computer is running a lot of crap to "protect" me.
> I tried to go through and start disabling it today, and as you might guess
> I can't.
> I have since upgraded win10 and i'm still seeing the same problem.  And
> probably important to mention that my home win 10 box has no problems.
> Certainly on my work laptop it's probably a case of BLODA.
> BTW, i had a broken latex install that i couldn't figure out so i
> re-installed cygwin again, and that fixed my latex problem but graph was
> still broken.

I'm having issues on two computers.  The only thing that I'm running on the
BLODA FAQ list is Windows Defender.  I still have issues when I turn that
off.  It could be something else though, but I try to keep both machines as
clean as possible.  Everything else that I use (gcc, g++, make, vi,  rsync,
octave, cygwin-x, ...) all seem to work fine.

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