On 2020-08-03 09:36, Michael Shay via Cygwin wrote:
> I'm having a problem with Cygwin 3.1.4, changing the character set on the 
> fly. It seems to work with Cygwin applications, but not with Win32 
> applications.
> I have a Korn shell script:
> #!/bin/ksh
> echo "locale on entry"
> locale
> echo ""
> export LANG="en_US.CP1252"
> export LC_ALL=en_US.CP1252
> echo "locale changed to"
> locale
> echo ""
> # Default is to run the Win32 program. Input any argument other than 
> 'WIN32'
> # to run '/bin/echo'.
> case $# in
>    0 )  echo "Running WIN32 pgm"
>         ksh -c 'cygtest.exe ZÇ'
>         ;;
>    1 )  echo "Running Cygwin 'echo'"
>         ksh -c '/bin/echo ZÇ'
>         ;;
>    2 )  echo "Running WIN32 pgm"
>         ksh -c 'cygtest.exe ZÇ'
>         echo ""
>         echo "Running Cygwin 'echo'"
>         ksh -c '/bin/echo ZÇ'
>         ;;
>    * ) ;;
> esac
> and a Win32 application (attached file cygtest.cpp)
> I used gdb to see what was happening in child_info_spawn::worker(), when a 
> Win32 program is started using:
>           rc = CreateProcessW (runpath,   /* image name w/ full path */
>                    cmd.wcs (wcmd),  /* what was passed to exec */
>                    sa,    /* process security attrs */
>                    sa,    /* thread security attrs */
>                    TRUE,    /* inherit handles */
>                    c_flags,
>                    envblock,  /* environment */
>                    NULL,
>                    &si,
>                    &pi);
> Specifically, 'cmd.wcs(wcmd)' invokes:
>   wchar_t *wcs (wchar_t *wbuf, size_t n)
>   {
>     if (n == 1)
>       wbuf[0] = L'\0';
>     else
>         sys_mbstowcs (wbuf, n, buf);
>     return wbuf;
>   }
> and sys_mbstowcs():
> size_t __reg3
> sys_mbstowcs (wchar_t * dst, size_t dlen, const char *src, size_t nms)
> {
>   mbtowc_p f_mbtowc = __MBTOWC;
>   if (f_mbtowc == __ascii_mbtowc)
>     {
>       f_mbtowc = __utf8_mbtowc;                                 <<<<< this 
> is ALWAYS done, no matter what charset is in use.
>     }
>   return sys_cp_mbstowcs (f_mbtowc, dst, dlen, src, nms);
> }
> Since the CP1252 is an 8-bit single-byte character set with characters >= 
> 0x80, the '0xc7' character is always translated as '0xc7 0xf0', with the 
> '0xf0' byte indicating an invalid character in the string.
> This doesn't seem to happen when e.g. '/bin/echo' is run, although I 
> haven't stepped into the code to see what's happening.
> I do not think this is a Cygwin bug, but since the User's Guide says the 
> locale and charset can be changed on the fly, I don't know what's going 
> awry.
> Any suggestions? If you need more information, I'm happy to provide it.


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Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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