On 09.08.2020 10:38, Xavier Delaruelle wrote:
If command names are versioned it is important to get a consistent way for users to install THE package that provides the 'sphinx-build' command (the one without version reference in the name). Without having to search which specific package provides this command and without having to update this package reference when a new minor version of Python is added.


Hi Xavier,

next upload will use "alternatives" to provide the simlinks
so depending which version you install the default version is the
highest, but you can modify if needed.

$ alternatives --display sphinx-build
sphinx-build - status is auto.
 link currently points to /usr/bin/sphinx-build-3.8
/usr/bin/sphinx-build-3.6 - priority 36
/usr/bin/sphinx-build-3.7 - priority 37
/usr/bin/sphinx-build-3.8 - priority 38
Current `best' version is /usr/bin/sphinx-build-3.8.

 $ /usr/bin/sphinx-build-3.8
usage: sphinx-build-3.8 [OPTIONS] SOURCEDIR OUTPUTDIR [FILENAMES...]
sphinx-build-3.8: error: the following arguments are required: sourcedir, outputdir, filenames

$ /usr/bin/sphinx-build
sphinx-build: error: the following arguments are required: sourcedir, outputdir, filenames

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