>> Does Cygwin include the capability to convert heic to jpg (or png or 
>> anything else Windows-readable)?
>> I tried "convert" (previously all-powerful) but that does not work (in any 
>> obvious way, anyway).
>> Thank you!

> Works for me. What does `type convert` say?

I have this:

~/tmp> type convert
convert is /usr/bin/convert
~/tmp> ls -x
L1a.heic  L2a.heic 
~/tmp> file *
L1a.heic: ISO Media
L2a.heic: ISO Media
~/tmp> convert L1a.heic L1a.jpg
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `HEIC' @ 
convert: no images defined `L1a.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.

(BTW, in the above dialogue, should ISO Media read IOS Media?)

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