On 11.09.2020 10:32, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty via Cygwin wrote:
On 11/09/2020 08:22, Fergus Daly via Cygwin wrote:
On 2020-09-10 04:57, Fergus Daly via Cygwin wrote:
Sorry if this has been asked 4 million times already.
$ head /etc/postinstall/{fontconfig_dtd,libxml2}.*
                    ==> /etc/postinstall/fontconfig_dtd.sh.done <==
hmmm.  i don't understand exactly what this thread is about, but i do know that 
on my latest fresh install of cygwin,
the fontconfig_dtd install is claiming an error at the end.
is this related to that ?
Exactly. On first setup and all subsequent updates this post-installation error 
The cure described depends on the presence of several files including one that 
the script creates if necessary.

PS Before I enlisted help to cure this glitch "properly", I found it and its 
recurrence sufficiently intrusive to become an annoyance.
Since nothing was obviously broken I guessed that nothing further would be 
broken by artificially achieving the post-installation
sequence as follows:
$ mv /etc/postinstall/fontconfig_dtd.sh /etc/postinstall/fontconfig_dtd.sh.done

this remove the action, does not solve it

what`s happen if you just run


any error message ?

And so it transpired: nothing awful seemed to happen, or fail to happen, as a consequence 
of this "fix"; and the error msg stopped.

I agree this should be fixed - it is annoying, and I also don't think
it's a new bug by any stretch: I had this last September when I was
first looking at getting wxPython to compile in Cygwin.

Also it's, in my opinion, not a great user experience to have end users
immediately thing something is wrong after the first install. Despite
the fact that it doesn't seem to matter, it doesn't inspire confidence
for first-time users. I haven't followed this very closely so I'm aware
it might be hard to fix, and I very much appreciate all the effort put
in to Cygwin, but I reckon this one would help a lot with the first
impressions & attitude of a new Cygwin user.


check on /var/log/setup.log.full for any hints on what is going wrong

Installing just base+fontconfig is not providing any error,
so it must be an interaction of fontconfig with some other package

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