On 2020/10/31 03:56, David Balažic wrote:
I don't have any of  /user /users /User /Users folders on my setup.
Do you mean C:\Users ?
        Sorry, yeah.

Even if I symlink it, won't that just change the location, but not the
used usernames?
        You have one user in the Domain and one on the machine.  Right?
I mean, you've verified that they have different "GUIDs" or "UUIDs" --
meaning that windows see them each as separate accounts.

        When you login to each username under windows, run 'cmd.exe', then
echo %USERPROFILE%, %HOMEPATH%. If you are getting the same value, I think you don't really have 2 accounts -- but since you got the access denied, it sounds like you do.

        Easiest is to put your homedir in or under your your HOMEPATH directory.

        like in cmd.exe, I think it's:

mklink /d C:\home "C:\%HOMEPATH%"

(sorta backwards what you might do at the cygwin prompt)...

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