Dear Cyhwin Users and Team,

since a while I have issues removing cygwin installations, especially the symlinks to true type fonts in /usr/share/fonts/microsoft.

Looking at these links with Windows tools I get:

C:\bin\cygwin\usr\share\fonts\microsoft>fsutil reparsepoint query wingding.ttf
Reparse Tag Value : 0xa000001d
Tag value: Microsoft
Tag value: Name Surrogate

Reparse Data Length: 0x00000025
Reparse Data:
0000:  02 00 00 00 2f 6d 6e 74  2f 63 2f 57 69 6e 64 6f  ..../mnt/c/Windo
0010:  77 73 2f 46 6f 6e 74 73  2f 77 69 6e 67 64 69 6e  ws/Fonts/wingdin
0020:  67 2e 74 74 66                                    g.ttf

I wonder if the path "/mnt/c/Windows/Fonts/wingding.ttf" is something which should be written into a NTFS reparse point by cygwin setup. Probably not - it looks like a cygwin path and it is understandable that this confuses NTFS.

Btw.: I meanwhile managed to reliably remove cygwin install folders with the below command sequence ($1 being the cygwin folder name) - sorry an ugly mix of bash and DOS tools:

PATH_WINFMT="$(cygpath -w -a $1)"

rm -rf "$1" && { echo "first removal run successful"; exit; }


ICACLS "$PATH_WINFMT" /grant <your user name>:F /T

CMD /C "DIR /AL /S /B $PATH_WINFMT" | sed 's|\\|\\\\|g' | tr -d "\r" | while read f; do echo removing reparsepoint "$f"; FSUTIL REPARSEPOINT DELETE "$f"; done

rm -rfv "$1"

Best regards,

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